This week I started getting back in the flow of things from summer. I started by remaking my old locker tag, which was never good to begin with. Since I didn't use my locker last year, I didn't need a good locker tag, but now with the new restrictions I'm gonna need to use it. I was having some trouble using the small laser cutter because I'm used to using the bigger one that's broken, so Cormac helped me. Everything on the tag was being engraved and the two holes for screws cut, but the perimeter wasn't being cut at all. After testing with the blank locker tag template, I figured out that the image on the nametag was the problem. In Inkscape, the image wasn't overlapping with the template, but I shrunk the image anyways to see if that was the problem, which it was. I'm still not sure why it wasn't working originally, but at least it worked. I put it on my locker but since I used clear frosted acrylic it's kind of hard to see what's on it, so at some point I'd like to either cut it out of a darker color or just put black tape behind it.
I also came back to the jersey frame project. At the end of last year, I was able to completely finish the Fusion model for the frame, and I made drawing files to bring to carpentry. The teacher said that some of my dimensions weren't right so that last thing I did last year was change the wrong dimensions accordingly. All I have to do now is remake the drawing files with the appropriate dimensions and they should be able to cut all the wood for me. The only part of the project I didn't figure out last year was the electronics. All I should need for the LED strips is a PCB and a power supply, which shouldn't take that much space. After talking with Mr. L and doing some online research, I decided to make a plaque to cover the PCB. It would go inside the frame and I would design it to completely cover all the electronic components. Mr. L suggested I use anodized aluminum to make the plague, which can be bought on Amazon. I don't want to order anything yet because I'd like to see how big the PCB is first when the time comes. I also designed a test piece for the LED strip because I'd like to see if everything fits before I show the final design to carpentry, but I wasn't able to 3D print it because the humidity is stopping the printers from working, so once it gets a little cooler I can print it. In the meantime I'll just work on the code for the LED strips and start making the PCB.