This week I focused on making the LED strip for my jersey frame. Before I started coding, I had to find the strip with the right density. LED density is how many fit lights on a single strip, so a strip with more LEDs closer together would have a higher density, but a strip with LEDs farther apart would have a lower density. I used a 60 LED per meter strip to test around with. The strip I found was soldered together with a bunch of other ones, so with some help from Cormac I learned how to use the solder suckers to de-solder the parts I didn't need. After that, I has to solder the power, ground, and info pins to some wires I cut. Once that was done, I stripped and crimped what I had left and I was ready to start making it light up. I also was gonna 3D print my LED strip test piece, but I've been so focused on the strip itself that I haven't had time too. The two smaller Fusion printers still don't work because of the humidity, so when the time comes to print I'll have to ask someone to use the big printer, but there's no rush right now.
I didn't remember anything about how Neopixel sticks worked, so I went back to the guides and relearned some of the stuff I forgot. I also went back and looked at my old lightbox code to see if that would work, but that used several buttons to get the lights to turn and off and change colors so it didn't do anything. Big John and Shubh showed me their old code from their lightboxes which worked, and gave me inspiration for my jersey project. I finally figured out that I'm gonna use a Kobe Bryant jersey to put in the frame, so the colors I want to use are purple and gold. I want to have four settings, one where it stays solid purple, one where it stays solid gold, one where it stays solid purple and gold, and one where purple and gold go around the frame in circles like a neon sign. After looking the guides, and all the old code, I remembered that there was example code that in Arduino that I could test my strip with. At first it wasn't working because I soldered the info and power pins too close together, but after moving them apart it worked fine. Now that I know my strip works and I understand how to light it up, I can start coding all the different settings I want.
