This week I made some good progress on my frame and finally moved on from painting, but I still had to detail a couple things first. The side of the cover that everyone will see was the last thing left, and after rolling that it looked pretty nice. The next step was figuring out how to attach the back of the frame to everything. I wanted to use the nails I had bought before, but they were too long and would've poked through the other side. Instead, I went to carpentry to ask for their opinion and they gave me smaller wood nails and a tool to clip them in case they were too big. With the help of my FIBA certified counterpart Joao "Big John" "The tank" Luiz, I was able to attach it all. We put some wood glue on before hammering for extra stability, and with the help of some clamps it was all set

The next thing to do was attach the LEDs onto the frame in the groove I designed for them. I had to figure out a way to get the wire with power and blue tooth adapter through the back so it could plug in, but I didn't want to drill a massive hole just for the adaptor when the rest of the wire is tiny and it would look bad. Milo suggested that I just put it in through the other side (LEDs first), which solved that. Big John helped me drill the hole and paint it so it didn't stand out. Once it was dry, I attached the LEDs with the stick it came with to the groove and tested it out with a jersey in the frame, and it looked great. The only things I have left to do are get the plexiglass, add something to keep it shut, and maybe a couple little details with paint. I also helped to clean the shop with Cormac "I never lose" Lynch and Milo.