This week was slow since I had to wait for a paint roller, but I still got one step closer. I started off the week by routing the cover side of my jersey frame. I had already set everything up in Vcarve last week, so I didn't have to worry about that. I routed the frame over a hole that had been in the wood from previous cuts someone did so I could preserve the material. I made sure everything was precise and started routing. It went good and I finally was done cutting everything. I then wanted to take the tabs out used to hold the frame in place and sand everything down. I used a buzz saw to cleanly get the tabs out and used the sander to make it all smooth. I got most of it done, but it could use some little touch ups.

I took a mini break from my project to help dear associate and close acquaintance of mine Cormac John Lynch work on fixing the sand blaster lights for the Metal Fab shop. The lights they have were dim and could be much brighter, so we were tasked with fixing it. We started off by getting a strip of very bright LEDs that is able to bend and rewired the circuits to allow the switch to turn on both the dim old lights and the new ones. We used double sided tape to hold everything in place over night in order to test it and we brought to Metal fab for approval. The next day we worked in drilling holes in order to use zip ties to hold the strip in place since the tape will wear off because of all time dust, and we're still working to finish that now.