This week I started making progress on my basketball project. I got the breakbeam sensors to work with the servo motor, so now whenever you put your hand in between them the motor moves 90 degrees and back. I made a very rough cardboard design for how I want the food to be dispensed, and it worked pretty good. I connected a cardboard flap to the motor, and let a paper ball fall down the ramp. I still need to figure out how to stop more than one object from going down the ramp, but for now I want to focus on improving my design. My old wooden hoop which hasn’t been touched in months works alright, but it’s flimsy and has to be much better for what I want to do. I started to redesign the whole rim and backboard in CAD, which took a lot of planning out and measuring. Mr. L showed me how to use the sheet metal tab in CAD so I can start to make this rim legit. I also added a couple coats of spray paint to my lightbox, but I haven’t made much progress on it since I’ve been focusing on my basketball project, I still have to print a new logo piece and put all the circuits in, which I should be finishing up towards the end of this week or the start of next week.
