This week I fixed the mistakes I made the week before with my jersey frame. I started off the week by redesigning my frame in Vcarve. I added 0.35 inches to each side in order to fix the issue of the drill holes being too close to the sides, which Milo was able to help me with. After routing everything which took a day, I noticed that the left and right sides came out fine but the top and bottom pieces didn't have the LED grooves and were just a piece of wood. I think when I added the extra 0.35 inches, it added it to both sides instead of just one, covering the groove. I remade the pieces in Vcarve and made sure it was all set, then I routed it. It came out good and I was ready to design the new jigs.
I started off by completely remaking both jigs instead of modifying the old ones, and I made sure everything was perfect. I printed both of them, and in the meantime I helped both Cormac and Milo on their mini projects. Cormac was working on making lights to hang on the wall around the shop, so I helped to drill the holes in order to screw it in. Once that was done, I helped out Milo design shelves to go under the tables in order to stop flooding from damaging things. We came up with one for one of the tables, but we did not realize that there are several different types of tables so we have to make some more models.
Once my jigs were done printing, I used the drill press to make perfectly straight holes, which I was having some issues with last time. I had to move the platform out of the way because my piece was too long and stacked up metal blocks in order to get the height that I needed. I used a hammer to get the jigs on and once I was done I put the dowels in to test and the top and bottom pieces stuck out quite a bit, so that meant I would need to do a lot of sanding. I was able to get the bottom piece sanded pretty good, and I used a level to help me make it as straight as possible. Now I just want to get that a little cleaner then start the top piece.
