This week I finally starting making my jersey frame a reality. We had MLK day on Monday and Mr. L was absent Tuesday, so I wasn't able to route until the middle of the week. While I was waiting for Mr. L's return, me and a few of my fellow classmates took down the flood gates that we put up last week in anticipation of the storm over the weekend. There wasn't a single drop, so we folded everything up and put them away for the next storm. After that, I recruited Milo Austin to help me start routing my jersey. The first step was making DXF files of all the different sides of my frame in order to get them on VCarve in the shop (Vcarve is the application used to set things up for the router). We were able to get everything in, however we faced several challenges that stood in out way.
The first challenge was that we had to delete some nodes so that way each piece that needed to be cut separately were separated for each other, which took a little but but we eventually figured it out. The second problem was that once we made everything have their own induvial nodes, we needed to select the whole piece to cut it out of the wood. We fixed this by adding another rectangle on top of what we already had, which worked. Once that was all said and done, we were ready to route. We put the appropriate drill but in, zeroed everything, put the vacuum on, then routed. The process itself took about two periods worth of sitting there and watching, but it the end it was all worth it. I used some pliers to get the tabs out, and after that I lined everything up to see how it looked. I'm very happy with how it turned out, and tomorrow I'll sand everything and make sure the LEDs and hinges fit good.
